A Proven Method for Losing Weight and Keeping It Off
Explore Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is the most effective method for long-term weight loss especially for people with a high body mass index. You have probably heard about weight loss drugs recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These drugs work well for some people; but, not for adults with more than 100 pounds to lose. Plus, many studies show that patients regain weight shortly after they stop taking the medication. For patients with a significant amount of weight to lose, bariatric surgery is the safest, most efficient way to achieve their weight loss goals.
Please call 1-212-636-1000 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online today!
Meet Our Team
Your Partner for Permanent Weight Loss
Our team of surgeons, physician assistants, surgical techs, and nurses is led by Subhash Kini, MD, Director of the Institute for Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Associate Professor, Bariatric Surgery, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
Our program is ranked among the top five in New York State—and is the only ranked program in Manhattan—for bariatric surgery by Health Grades, an online resource for information about hospitals and physicians that focus on quality of care.
700+ Bariatric Surgeries Every Year
Our highly experienced team members have trained and worked together for years; in fact, Mount Sinai Morningside is among the largest bariatric surgery centers in the country. We strive to provide better outcomes, fewer complications, and quicker recovery time for your patients.
Patients need to meet the following criteria for weight loss surgery:
- Age—most patients are between the ages of 18 and 65, some patients over 65 if they are medically cleared for surgery.
- Body mass index (BMI)—you must have a body mass index greater than 40, or greater than 35 with one or more weight-related health problems such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), or sleep apnea. BMI is a measurement using your height and weight.
- Unsuccessful previous weight loss attempts—you have been unable to lose weight through non-surgical methods.
- Understanding—you have a clear understanding of the surgery and its risks.
- Commitment—you understand and agree to participate in lifelong follow-up after weight loss surgery and follow a healthy, low calorie diet and continue regular exercise.