2014 Aspen Ideas Festival
This is the second year that Mount Sinai has partnered with the Aspen Ideas Festival, held June 24 to July 3 in Aspen, CO. “Mount Sinai is innovating models in coordinated patient care, advancing research on the most debilitating diseases, and educating tomorrow’s physicians to be leaders in the new health care reform environment,” said Kenneth L. Davis, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mount Sinai Health System. “We are excited to be a part of the Aspen Ideas Festival where great ideas are advanced.”

Dennis S. Charney, MD, Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Dean, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and President for Academic Affairs, Mount Sinai Health System, discusses the state of scientific discovery during the panel discussion: “Are We Maintaining Our Edge in Biotech Innovation?

Kenneth L. Davis, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mount Sinai Health System, (right) with Kathleen Sebelius, 21st Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Angela Diaz, MD, Director of the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center (MSAHC), Jean C. and James W. Crystal Professor in Adolescent Health, and Professor of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine, (second from right) discusses how global productivity and recreation in childhood and adolescence relate in the panel discussion "The Power of Play."

Kenneth L. Davis, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mount Sinai Health System, addresses Aspen Ideas Festival attendees questions in the panel discussion: “Discovery at the Speed of Knowledge.”

Eric M. Genden, MD, Isidore Friesner Professor and Chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and a Professor of Neurosurgery and Immunobiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, (right) lends his experience and expertise in the panel discussion: “The Future of Robotic Surgery.”

Kenneth L. Davis, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mount Sinai Health System, (second from the left) participates in the panel discussion: “Do We Get What We Pay For? The Cost of American Healthcare.

Errol Gordon, MD, Assistant Professor, Depart of Neurosurgery at The Mount Sinai Hospital, demonstrates how the brain surgery simulator works.

Diane E. Meier, MD, Co-Director of the Patty and Jay Baker National Palliative Care Center, Vice Chair for Public Policy, Professor of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, and Gaisman Professor of Medical Ethics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, lends her insight to the panel discussion: “Can We Die with Dignity?.”

Dr. Ash Tewari, Chairman, Milton and Carroll Petrie Department of Urology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, answers questions about the da Vinci® Surgical System robot.

David Muller, MD, Dean for Medical Education and the Marietta and Charles C. Morchand Chair for Medical Education at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, presents on the innovations in medical school education.

Kenneth L. Davis, MD, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mount Sinai Health System, presents on the future of academic medicine in the United States.

Aspen Ideas Festival attendees visit the Mount Sinai Health Concourse to get up close with the da Vinci® Surgical System robot, participate in melanoma screenings, and much more.

Mount Sinai presents the da Vinci® Surgical System robot at the Mount Sinai Health Concourse at the Aspen Ideas Festival.

Mount Sinai dermatologists perform melanoma screenings on site.

Angela Diaz, MD, Director of the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center (MSAHC), Jean C. and James W. Crystal Professor in Adolescent Health, and Professor of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine, (center) shares her insights on the panel "Beyond the Hype: Does It Really Pay to Invest in Girls?."

Diane E. Meier, MD, Co-Director of the Patty and Jay Baker National Palliative Care Center, Vice Chair for Public Policy, Professor of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, and Gaisman Professor of Medical Ethics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, (left) offers insights, based on her expertise and experience, during the panel discussion “Access to Unapproved Drug Therapies: Are States Offering a Lifeline of False Hope?.”

James N. Gladstone, MD, orthopaedic surgeon and Co-Chief of Sports Medicine at The Mount Sinai Hospital, presents on how the aging effects on the body impact both the individual and society, especially in terms of economic effects.

Angela Diaz, MD, Director of the Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center (MSAHC), Jean C. and James W. Crystal Professor in Adolescent Health, and Professor of Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine, discusses the significance of adolescent health.