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"Healthy Diet Cuts Risk of Dying from Breast Cancer in Older Women" - Megan Brooks

  • Reuters Online
  • New York, NY
  • (May 16, 2019)

A balanced, low-fat diet significantly lowers the risk of dying from breast cancer in postmenopausal women, according to new long-term data from the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Modification trial. “Quality of the diet and dietary patterns over time are an important component of long-term health in women with breast cancer,” said Kelly Hogan, MS, RD, CDN, and clinical nutrition and wellness manager at Mount Sinai’s Dubin Breast Center who was not involved in the study. Kelly added, “The health benefits of a plant-based diet are well known, and this study further emphasizes the importance and possible protective factors of a diet high in plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, in women with breast cancer, as well as the importance of continued nutritional guidance from their healthcare teams to help them adapt these dietary changes throughout their treatment and beyond.”

— Kelly Hogan, MS, RD, CDN, Clinical Nutrition and Wellness Manager, The Dubin Breast Center, The Mount Sinai Hospital

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Additional coverage: Business Insider;  Associated Press;   Physicians Weekly;   The Business Journals