Mount Sinai Selikoff Centers for Occupational Health

World Trade Center Health Program Mental Health Services

The September 11, 2001 World Trade Center (WTC) disaster exposed thousands of rescue and recovery workers to severe psychological and physical stressors. Many of those responders continue to experience significant emotional distress years later. These psychological conditions continue to take a significant toll on the quality of life of responders and their loved ones. Since mental health symptoms can present or re-emerge long after traumatic events, we continue to see many new patients.

The WTC Health Program Clinical Center of Excellence at Mount Sinai has many years of experience treating physical and mental health conditions among rescue and recovery workers. We offer free, confidential mental health services to all World Trade Center program members who are struggling with emotional difficulties due to their 9/11 response efforts. Our mental health clinicians are experienced in identifying and treating the mental health and substance use problems that have developed because of WTC exposure.

We are here to support and improve the well-being of all responders who have been affected by their 9/11 exposure.

Conditions We Treat

At the World Trade Center Mental Health Program, our team of psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers offer comprehensive mental health evaluations and treatment to responders who experience mental health conditions associated with their 9/11 rescue and recovery efforts. Responders display a wide variety of mental health concerns, and our specialists can diagnose and treat all relevant mental health conditions.

Mental health conditions often experienced by responders in the program include:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Depression
  • Adjustment disorders
  • Anxiety and panic disorders
  • Substance use disorders

It is important to remember that we can provide effective treatments for these conditions. After we complete an assessment, we will discuss your personalized care options with you.

Services We Provide

The Mount Sinai World Trade Center Mental Health Program offers annual mental health monitoring services to tens of thousands of rescue and recovery workers. These patients include law enforcement, emergency medical workers, construction and ironworkers, asbestos handlers, and other responders. Our social workers assess overall well-being and provide basic benefits-related services.

Our services include:

  • Screening for 9/11-related mental health symptoms
  • Identifying benefits a member may be eligible for and provide information regarding the application process for each benefit
  • Case management services to provide advocacy, care coordination, and referrals

We use a variety of mental health tools to help. These may include:

  • Diagnostic evaluation
  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Psychopharmacology
  • Smoking cessation services
  • Group therapy

We have found group therapy to be quite helpful and offer several types of groups, including:

  • Law enforcement psychotherapy group
  • Medical issues group
  • Women's group
  • Dialectical behavior therapy skills group
  • Coping and wellness group
  • Anxiety and depression coping skills group
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia
  • Improving relationships process group

Meet Our Leadership

Mount Sinai’s WTC Health Program is led by highly skilled and experienced experts,