
Cyanotic heart defect - dextrocardia; Congenital heart defect - dextrocardia; Birth defect - dextrocardia

Dextrocardia is a condition in which the heart is pointed toward the right side of the chest. Normally, the heart points toward the left. The condition is present at birth (congenital).


The heart is almost always located in the left side of the chest. Dextrocardia is a condition in which the apex of the heart is directed towards the right side of the chest. Dextrocardia can also cause the heart to develop in a mirror image of the normal heart. In the more common types of dextrocardia, heart defects are present in addition to the abnormal location of the heart.



Exams and Tests


Outlook (Prognosis)

Possible Complications

When to Contact a Medical Professional
