Comprehensive Health Program at Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital

Exciting news! We’re proud to announce the launch of our new Comprehensive Health Program location at Mount Sinai West

Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, President of Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital

Deepak Bhatt, MD, MPH, MBA, FACC, FAHA, FESC, MSCAI, Director of Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital

Alanur Inal-Veith, MSHCDL, Director of Operations for the Comprehensive Health Program at Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital

Kevin Dunsky, MD

Jonathan Halperin, MD

Jeffrey Mechanick, MD

Joseph Sweeny, MD

MaryAnn McLaughlin, MD, MPH

Tara Naib, MD, MPH
The Comprehensive Health Program at Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital provides health assessments for individuals, corporations, business owners, and their employees with a state-of-the-art program over the course of a single day. Under the leadership of Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, our world renowned physicians have carefully crafted an evidence-based program tailored to meet your individual health needs, maximizing both your health and your time. The Comprehensive Health Program at Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital is located at The Mount Sinai Hospital on Manhattan’s Upper East Side and at Mount Sinai West on the Upper West Side.
Message from the Director
The Mount Sinai Hospital is an internationally recognized academic institution, and our name is synonymous with excellence in research, innovation, and health care. Participants of our unique Program experience unparalleled care from the nation’s leading physicians.
Your comfort and satisfaction is our number one priority. Upon entering our Program, you will receive a complete health assessment, which targets all major medical issues. We conduct extensive, pain-free testing with the goal of identifying areas of concern before significant disease develops, including in-depth cardiac, pulmonary (upon physician recommendation only), and dermatologic exams. We conduct full blood testing, and perform a CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis. Our dedicated staff ensures that all test results are completed by the end of the day so that we can discuss our findings with you and address any questions or concerns you might have. Our team is trusted around the world, so let us facilitate your first steps towards preserving your most precious asset, your health.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD
President of Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital
Physician-in-Chief of The Mount Sinai Hospital