
Plaque psoriasis; Psoriasis vulgaris; Guttate psoriasis; Pustular psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes skin redness, silvery scales, and irritation. Most people with psoriasis have thick, red, well-defined patches of skin with flaky, silver-white scales. This is called plaque psoriasis.

Psoriasis on the knuckles

This is a picture of a typical case of psoriasis, with small lesions on the knuckles. Note the changes in the fingernails.

Psoriasis - magnified x4

This picture shows a 400% magnification of psoriasis. The whitish scales give the silvery appearance to the typical psoriasis lesion.

Psoriasis - guttate on the arms and chest

This is a picture of guttate (drop-shaped) psoriasis on the arms and chest. Guttate psoriasis is a rare form of psoriasis. It frequently follows a streptococcal infection, appears rapidly and affects the face, chest, and nearest limbs. The patches are small and round or oval and have the typical appearance of psoriasis. This photograph shows the diffuse and widespread coverage on the arm and chest.



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