Mount Sinai Selikoff Centers for Occupational Health

Union Services

At the Selikoff Centers, we focus on the health and wellbeing of workers. We work with members’ specific occupational health exposures and needs, develop and provide clinical services to address issues, and provide education and training on how to avoid or reduce work-related exposures. Our goal is to keep workers and their workplaces safe and healthy, while supporting union leadership in their efforts to reduce on-the-job injuries.

We have developed specialized services that help union leadership and members improve workplace safety. This collaboration may include:

  • Development of direct referral pathways for timely evaluation of an injury.
  • Direct access to injury prevention and ergonomic services tailored to the needs of the workers.
  • Participation in onsite Occupational Safety and Health programs and presentations for members.
  • Medical screenings and treatment for common workplace exposures such as lead, asbestos, and other toxic substances.
  • Industrial hygiene assessments and workplace evaluations.
  • Individualized assistance with Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) claims as well as other benefits.