Pediatric Conditions We Treat
The pediatric ENT team at Mount Sinai treats the full gamut of ear, nose, and throat conditions affecting children and adolescents, ranging from common disorders to complex cases including cholesteatoma and airway reconstruction. These conditions include:
- Airway and Breathing Disorders
- Airway or esophageal foreign object
- Laryngomalacia
- Stridor and stertor (noisy breathing in infants and young children)
- Hoarse voice
- Subglottic stenosis
- Laryngeal cleft
- Choanal atresia and pyriform aperture stenosis
- Recurrent respiratory papillomas
- Feeding Disorders
- Tongue tie
- Laryngomalacia
- Laryngeal cleft
- Aspiration
- Ear Disorders
- Wax Impaction
- Ear drum perforation
- Ear infections
- Swimmer’s ear
- Fluid in ears/middle ear effusion
- Ear tubes
- Ear foreign bodies
- Cholesteatoma
- Hearing loss
- Microtia
- Cochlear implantation
- Nasal Disorders
- Congestion
- Adenoid problems
- Sinus infections
- Deviated septum
- Large turbinates
- Epistaxis/nose bleeds
- Nasal polyps
- Foreign body in nose
- Nasal Fractures
- Cleft lip and palate
- Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Tonsil and adenoid problems
- Snoring and sleep apnea
- Speech and Language Disorders
- Tongue tie
- Hearing issues causing speech problems
- “Nasal” sounding voice
- Velopharyngeal insufficiency
- Speech delay/language disorders
- Speech disorders
- Salivary Gland Disorders
- Salivary stones
- Juvenile recurrent parotitis
- Congenital and Acquired Neck Masses
- Thyroglossal duct cyst
- Branchial cleft cyst
- Pre-auricular pits/cyst
- Vascular birthmarks
- Vascular and lymphatic malformations
- Large lymph nodes
- Dermoid cysts
- Neck abscess
- Other neck masses