Men and Epilepsy

Living with epilepsy can have a number of specific implications for men. Mount Sinai’s epilepsy specialists are trained in helping with many of these issues, including the following.
Puberty and Epilepsy
While puberty itself doesn’t cause epilepsy, some people begin experiencing seizures as teenagers. The reasons could be hormonal changes, increases in stress (which can trigger seizures), or because you have an age-specific form of epilepsy. For some, however, seizures could go away around the time of puberty.
Sexual Dysfunction and Epilepsy
Sexual dysfunction can occur in men with epilepsy. Commonly reported problems include a lack of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, and problems with orgasm. Both the epilepsy itself and anti-seizure medications can affect a man’s sexual functioning. Certain medications have been more commonly linked to loss of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction.
Epilepsy and Fertility
There is some research to indicate that men who have epilepsy may be less fertile than men who don’t have the condition. The reasons may have to do with lowered testosterone levels or certain epilepsy medications. If you have concerns about sperm count and fertility, speak with your doctor.
Epilepsy and Genetics
If you have epilepsy, you have a slightly increased risk of having a child with epilepsy. In men there is no data to suggest that taking medications affects the baby. We are currently doing research on this topic.