Comparative Effectiveness of Telemedicine in Primary Care

ID#: NCT04684836

Age: 19 years - 66+

Gender: All

Recruitment Status: Recruiting

Start Date: March 15, 2021

End Date: December 01, 2023

Contact Information:
Jessica Ancker, MPH, PhD
Samuel Carter, MPH
Summary: Leveraging a natural experiment approach, the investigators will examine rapidly changing telemedicine and in-person models of care during and after the COVID-19 crisis to determine whether certain patients could safely choose to continue telemedicine or telemedicine-supplemented care, rather than return to in-person care.

Inclusion Criteria:

- patients that are attributed to primary care clinics across four health systems in the INSIGHT (Mount Sinai Health System and Weill Cornell Medicine), OneFlorida (University of Florida Health), and STAR (University of North Carolina Health) CRNs.

- Patients received two or more outpatient visits at a participating practice during a one-year period before the COVID-19 pandemic,

- Patients had one or more of five chronic illnesses (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF), diabetes, hypertension) as defined by the Medicare Chronic Conditions Warehouse algorithm

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients who tested COVID-positive

- Patients from hospice and palliative care practices

- Patients from osteopathic medicine practices

- Patients from pediatric practices