Fabry Disease Registry & Pregnancy Sub-registry
Recruitment Status: Recruiting
Start Date: July 31, 2001
End Date: January 31, 2034
Fabry Registry HelpLine
- Fabry Registry: All patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Fabry disease who have signed the informed consent and patient authorization form(s) are eligible for inclusion. Confirmed diagnosis is defined as a documented deficiency in plasma or leukocyte αGAL (alpha-galactosidase) enzyme activity and/or mutation(s) in the gene coding for αGAL.
- Fabry Pregnancy Sub-registry:
- Eligible women must:
- be enrolled in the Fabry Registry.
- be pregnant, or have been pregnant with appropriate medical documentation available.
- provide a signed informed consent and authorization form(s) to participate in the Sub-Registry prior to any Sub-Registry-related data collection being performed. Exclusion Criteria Fabry Registry: There are no exclusion criteria. Fabry Pregnancy Sub-registry: There are no exclusion criteria.
- Fabry Disease