Lighting Intervention to Improve Sleep

ID#: NCT05757414

Age: 18 years - 66+

Gender: All

Healthy Subjects: No

Study Phase: N/A

Recruitment Status: Recruiting

Start Date: November 16, 2021

End Date: March 01, 2024

Contact Information:
Maya Rawal
Summary: 50 participants with Parkinson's disease will be recruited to complete actigraphy studies to assess sleep disturbances. For this, participants will wear an Actigraph for seven days. Thirty of these participants with sleep disturbance, will go on to receive a tailored lighting intervention (TLI) to assess the effect on sleep, fatigue, and circadian entrainment via urinary melatonin levels.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and

- Difficulties with sleep or cognition

Exclusion Criteria:

- There is no exclusion criteria