Roflumilast or Azithromycin to Prevent COPD Exacerbations (RELIANCE)

ID#: NCT04069312

Age: 40 years - 66+

Gender: All

Healthy Subjects: No

Study Phase: Phase 4

Recruitment Status: Recruiting

Start Date: February 11, 2020

End Date: February 01, 2023

Contact Information:
Jill Meinert
Summary: A multi-center, randomized, 72-month, parallel- group, non-inferiority, phase III study to compare the effectiveness of roflumilast (Daliresp, 500 mcg quaque die (QD) or alternate regimen) therapy versus azithromycin (250 mg QD, 500 mg QD three times per week, or alternate regimen) to prevent hospitalization or death in a patients at high risk for COPD exacerbations.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patient and treating clinician considering treatment intensification with roflumilast or azithromycin to reduce the risk of COPD exacerbations

- Age ≥ 40 years

- Current or past smoker of at least 10 pack-years

- Diagnosis of severe COPD and associated chronic bronchitis

- Hospitalized with a diagnosis of COPD exacerbation or respiratory complications due to COVID 19 in the past 12 months

- Current medications include inhaled Long Acting Muscarinic Antagonist (LAMA), Long Acting Beta Agonist (LABA) /LAMA, or Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS) /LABA

- English or Spanish speaking

Exclusion Criteria:

- Unable or declines to provide informed consent;

- Declines to provide social security number or health insurance claims number (as applicable)

- History of intolerance to azithromycin or roflumilast that the patient or patient's treating clinician considers sufficiently serious to avoid either treatment option;

- Current treatment with long-term (more than 30 days) roflumilast or azithromycin (previous treatment with 1 or more doses of azithromycin or roflumilast is not an exclusion criterion, as long as the patient and clinician are seeking treatment intensification options and would be willing to use azithromycin or roflumilast, as per randomized treatment assignment.)

- Known hypersensitivity to azithromycin, erythromycin, any macrolide or ketolide antibiotic;

- History of cholestatic jaundice/hepatic dysfunction associated with prior use of azithromycin

- Moderate to severe liver impairment (Child-Pugh B or C)

- Current pregnancy

- Any other clinician-determined exclusion as per the clinician's clinical practice