Urinary incontinence surgery - female - discharge

Open retropubic colposuspension - discharge; Laparoscopic retropubic colposuspension - discharge; Needle suspension - discharge; Burch colposuspension - discharge; VOS - discharge; Urethral sling - discharge; Pubo-vaginal sling - discharge; Pereyra, Stamey, Raz, and Gittes procedures - discharge; Tension free vaginal tape - discharge; Transobturator sling - discharge; Marshall-Marchetti retropubic bladder suspension - discharge, Marshal-Marcheti-Krantz (MMK) - discharge

Stress incontinence is a leakage of urine that happens when you are active or when there is pressure on your pelvic area. You had surgery to correct this problem. This article tells you how to take care of yourself after you leave the hospital.

When You're in the Hospital

What to Expect at Home



Going Home with a Urinary Catheter

When to Call the Doctor