Malignant teratoma

Dermoid cyst - malignant; Nonseminomatous germ cell tumor - teratoma; Immature teratoma; GCTs - teratoma; Teratoma - extragonadal

A teratoma is a type of tumor that contains one or more of the three layers of cells found in a developing baby (embryo). These cells are called germ cells. A teratoma is one type of germ cell tumor that can be benign or cancerous.

The mediastinum is located inside the front of the chest in the area that separates the lungs. The heart, large blood vessels, windpipe, thymus gland, lymph nodes and esophagus are found there.

Teratoma - MRI scan

This MRI scan shows a tumor (teratoma) at the base of the spine (seen on the left lower edge of the screen), located in the sacrum and coccyx (sacrococcygeal) area. Teratomas are present at birth and may contain hair, teeth, and other tissues.

Malignant teratoma

A malignant teratoma is a type of cancer consisting of cysts that contain one or more of the three primary embryonic germ layers ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Because malignant teratomas have usually spread by the time of diagnosis, systemic chemotherapy is needed. The prognosis for people with malignant teratomas is based on the size of the tumor, its location and the age of the patient.



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