Wilson disease

Wilson's disease; Hepatolenticular degeneration

Wilson disease is an inherited disorder in which there is too much copper in the body's tissues. The excess copper damages the liver and nervous system.

Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system

The central nervous system comprises the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system includes all peripheral nerves.

Copper urine test

The copper urine test is performed by collecting urine at specific times for a 24-hour period. The urine is tested for the amount of copper present. The copper urine test is used to determine the presence of Wilson disease, a sometimes fatal condition in which the buildup of excess copper damages the liver, and eventually the kidneys, eyes, and brain.

Liver anatomy

The liver serves a wide variety of body functions, including detoxifying blood and producing bile that aids in digestion.



Exams and Tests


Support Groups

Outlook (Prognosis)

Possible Complications

When to Contact a Medical Professional
