Heart attack first aid

First aid - heart attack; First aid - cardiopulmonary arrest; First aid - cardiac arrest

A heart attack is a medical emergency. Call 911 or the local emergency number if you think you or someone else is having a heart attack.

The average person waits 3 hours before seeking help for symptoms of a heart attack. Many heart attack patients die before they reach a hospital. The sooner the person gets to the emergency room, the better the chance of survival. Prompt treatment reduces the amount of heart damage.

This article discusses what to do if you think someone may be having a heart attack.

Heart attack symptoms

Symptoms of a heart attack may widely vary, from the classic elephant on the chest feeling of crushing pain, to the nausea and heartburn mistaken for indigestion. In some patients, the symptoms may only be sudden fatigue or an oppressive feeling of impending doom.

Symptoms of heart attack

Symptoms of a heart attack can vary widely and can mimic other conditions such as indigestion or heartburn. The important fact to know is to take all heart attack related symptoms seriously and seek medical help as soon as possible.



First Aid

Do Not

When to Contact a Medical Professional
