Newborn head molding

Newborn cranial deformation; Molding of the newborn's head; Neonatal care - head molding

Newborn head molding is an abnormal head shape that results from pressure on the baby's head during childbirth.

Skull of a newborn

The sutures or anatomical lines where the bony plates of the skull join together can be easily felt in the newborn infant. The diamond shaped space on the top of the skull and the smaller space further to the back are often referred to as the soft spot in young infants.

Fetal head molding

During a head first birth, pressure on the head caused by the tight birth canal may mold the head into an oblong rather than round shape. This is a common occurrence that usually disappears after a few days.

Newborn head molding

During a head first birth, pressure on the head caused by the tight birth canal may mold the head into an oblong rather than round shape. Newborn head molding is a common occurrence that usually disappears after a few days.
