Skin care and incontinence

Incontinence - skin care; Incontinence - pressure sore; Incontinence - pressure ulcer; Incontinence - bed sore

A person with incontinence is not able to prevent urine and stool from leaking. This can lead to skin problems near the buttocks, hips, genitals, and between the pelvis and rectum (perineum).

Areas where bedsores occur

Bedsores, also known as pressure sores or decubitis ulcers, are a breakdown and ulceration of tissue due to a combination of the weight of the body on the surface of the skin and the friction of a resistant surface such as a bed. Areas where bony prominences are less padded by muscle and fat, such as the hip bones, tailbone and heels of the feet, are most susceptible to bedsores. Non-mobile patients are vulnerable to the formation pressure sores when left lying for long periods of time in the same prone position.
