Thumb sucking

Many infants and children suck their thumbs. Some even start sucking their thumbs when they are still in the womb.

Thumb sucking can make children feel secure and happy. They may suck their thumbs when they are tired, hungry, bored, stressed, or when they are trying to calm down or fall asleep.

Herpetic whitlow on the thumb

A herpetic whitlow is an infection of the herpes virus around the fingernail. In children, this is often caused by thumbsucking or finger sucking while they have a cold sore. It is seen in adult healthcare workers such as dentists because of increased exposure to the herpes virus. The use of rubber gloves prevents herpes whitlow in healthcare workers.


Thumbsucking is a normal activity with its peak occurrence at about age two. Thumbsucking can be an important source of pleasure for an infant and is usually nothing to worry about since a child will usually grow out of the habit. If thumbsucking occurs past age 4, dental problems may occur such as malocclusion. Malocclusion is the abnormal contact between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.
