String test

Duodenal parasites test; Giardia - string test

A string test involves swallowing a string to obtain a sample from the upper part of the small intestine. The sample is then tested to look for intestinal parasites.

Ascaris lumbricoides egg

This is an egg of Ascaris lumbricoides. Ascarides are roundworms, a common parasitic infection throughout the world. It is estimated that as many as 1 billion people (one sixth of the world population) may be infected with roundworms.

Gelatin capsule in stomach

A string test is performed to detect the presence of intestinal parasites. A weighted gelatin capsule attached to a string is swallowed and left in place. After about 4 hours, the gelatin capsule is pulled out of the stomach by the string. Any bile, blood, or mucus remaining on the string is examined under the microscope for cell types and segments of parasites or eggs.

How the Test is Performed

How to Prepare for the Test

How the Test will Feel

Why the Test is Performed

Normal Results

What Abnormal Results Mean
