• News

"Consumer Reports - Questions About Open Heart Surgery"

  • WABC News
  • New York, NY
  • (July 27, 2018)

Learning you need open-heart surgery can fill you with questions, and possibly fear. Consumer Reports says knowledge can be a powerful tool in preparing yourself for this or any procedure. The right questions during your consultation with a cardiac surgeon can help you approach your operation with confidence instead of fear. David Adams, MD, professor and system chair of cardiovascular surgery the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and surgeon in chief at the Mount Sinai Health System, spends about an hour with each new patient, walking them through how the heart works, what the recommended procedure will accomplish and why they need it. “I like to show them their actual anatomy and compare it to normal anatomy so they really understand what their disease is. I think when they understand that, I think a lot of the fear leaves them,” Dr. Adams said. He said it's also important to ask the doctor about their experience, specifically with the exact type of surgery you need.

- David H. Adams, MD, Marie-Josée and Henry R. Kravis Professor, System Chair, Cardiovascular Surgery, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Surgeon-in-Chief, The Mount Sinai Health System

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