Diagnosing Uterine Cancer

Only a doctor can tell you if you have uterine/endometrial cancer by using diagnostic tests. It is time to find out when you begin experiencing symptoms, or if you are a high-risk even without symptoms.

Your gynecologic oncologist may use the following diagnostic tests:

  • Transvaginal ultrasound (TVU)—examines your vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and bladder with a probe inserted into the vagina. Using high-energy sound waves (ultrasound), echoes form a picture of body tissues (sonogram) to identify tumors.
  • Endometrial sampling—tissue from the endometrium is removed by inserting a thin, flexible tube through your cervix and into the uterus. Through a microscope, cells can be identified as healthy (benign) or cancerous. Sometimes this tissue is obtained via D and C.

If these tests indicate that you have uterine/endometrial cancer, your gynecologic oncologist will talk to you about receiving a diagnosis and your treatment options.

Stages of Uterine Cancer

A next step that will help your gynecologic oncologist treat you is seeing the extent of the cancer (the stage):

  • Stage I: Cancer is only in the uterus and hasn’t spread
  • Stage II: The tumor spread from the uterus to the cervix
  • Stage III: The cancer spread beyond the uterus, but is confined to the pelvic area
  • Stage IV: The cancer spread beyond the pelvic area to the rectum, bladder, and possibly other organs

Knowledge is empowering. Learn about treatments for uterine/endometrial cancer.