A Well Work-Life and Family Friendly Culture
What does work-life culture for caregivers mean to Mount Sinai?
Benefits, policies, or resources that are advantageous to both employee and employer and support employees' commitments to their family life and well-being.
Mount Sinai Cares About You
Life doesn't stop the moment you clock in to work, just to turn back on when you clock out. We understand how important it is for you to have flexibility from your employer when dealing with personal obligations. It is important to us, too.
We've designed this page to be the all-inclusive heart of our family friendly and work-life integration benefits, policies, and resources at Mount Sinai that support our most important resource—you.
To provide constructive feedback or to submit missing information, please contact the Office of Gender Equity at genderequity@mountsinai.org so that we can coordinate the appropriate edits.
Caring for Loved Ones (Including Yourself!)
At Mount Sinai, we understand that caring for your loved ones is your main priority. We provide a wide range of helpful offerings for our staff.
Please note that these resources are on the intranet. Please make sure you are connected to the Mount Sinai server (either on site or remotely through VPN) to prevent an error message.
Office for Diversity and Inclusion’s Caregiver Employee Resource Group helps to create a healthy integration between work-life and home-life.
Office of Gender Equity in Science and Medicine’s Distinguished Scholar Award is an internal funding for junior faculty investigators to maintain career momentum as they integrate family caretaking responsibilities
Caregiver support for those caring for people with disabilities
Parenting, Postpartum, Newborn, and Pediatric Care Benefits
We recognize how essential it is to have time and resources to care for your newborn. Mount Sinai is here to help you navigate this important time.
Lactation Services: Mount Sinai Health System sites/locations to express milk
Parental Leave
Leave of Absence Guidelines
log into HR & select link -
Leave Coordinators
log into HR & select link -
“Everything You Want to Know About the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)” monthly workshops, Log in to PEAK, and search for “FMLA” to enroll log into HR & link
Please note that these resources are on the intranet. Please make sure you are connected to the Mount Sinai server (either on site or remotely through VPN) to prevent an error message.
Mount Sinai Kids or 212-410-2077
Childcare discounts or 212-241-6660 (Recreation Office)
Backup Childcare
Bright Horizons or 1-877-BH-CARES (1-877-242-2737)
Provides up to 10 days subsidized per year and discounted rates for more than 10 days. Sign up here: My Bright Horizons -
When registering, please use your life number as your employee ID.
Mount Sinai Calm: Tutoring for ages 5 to 17; email the team at 4calm@mountsinai.org for more details.
Please note that these resources are on the intranet. Please make sure you are connected to the Mount Sinai server (either on site or remotely through VPN) to prevent an error message.
Mount Sinai Employee Assistance Program or 212-241-8937
For additional childcare services information
Please note that these resources are on the intranet. Please make sure you are connected to the Mount Sinai server (either on site or remotely through VPN) to prevent an error message.
Mount Sinai Parent (MSP) or 212-241-1944
Talent Development and Learning sponsored
Monthly Newsletter: Sign up by emailing Alisa Melendez or Melissa McFillin.
New Mom mentor program: MSP New Mom Mentor Intake Form
Coffee Chats
MSP Facebook group: To share resources and support!
Please note that these resources are on the intranet. Please make sure you are connected to the Mount Sinai server (either on site or remotely through VPN) to prevent an error message.
Mount Sinai Parenting Center: educational resources for newborns to five years.
Quick tips for Breastfeeding provided by The Mount Sinai Hospital Maternal Child Health Care Center
Resources Specific to Students and Trainees
Icahn School of Medicine Parent Group, student-run to support students, residents, and fellows ismmsparents@gmail.com for more information.
The Financial Aid Office of Mount Sinai - Reasonable childcare expenses may be included in the student budget. Visit for more information or email studentfinancialservices@mssm.edu
People with disabilities resources available for students