Cognitive Disorders Services

Most people who come to us have concerns regarding one or more of these cognitive functions:
- Memory
- Attention
- Language (e.g., aphasias or dyslexias)
- Visual processing
- Decision-making
- Cognition-related emotional regulation
We offer an extensive inventory of evaluations to comprehensively assess your condition. Diagnostic assessments can include:
- Neurologic physical examination
- Neuropsychiatric evaluation
- Neurobehavioral status evaluation
- Neuropsychological testing (paper and computerized measurements of cognitive and emotional function)
- Structural and functional brain imaging (e.g., magnetic resonance imaging scan, fluordeoxyglucose –positron emissions tomography (PET) scan, and amyloid PET scan)
- Brain electrical function testing (such as electroencephalography)
- Blood tests (to examine metabolic and nutritional evidence, and detect other treatable concerns)
- Spinal fluid analysis
- Genetic testing
- Sleep study
The initial appointment is generally one hour. We develop a plan for one or more follow-up visits. Once we diagnose the problem, we design a coordinated management plan that integrates variety of treatment and services. These can include:
- Medication (both proven drugs and emerging therapies being tested in clinical trials)
- Cognitive rehabilitation
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
- Counseling (including caregiver support)
- Customized patient care management