Movement Disorders

The Mount Sinai movement disorder specialists are internationally recognized for our expertise in the diagnosis and management of movement disorders in children and adults. Our pioneering research into the causes of movement disorders has made it possible to perform genetic testing for individuals and families living with these conditions.
Dedicated to providing comprehensive, innovative care, we diagnose, treat, and research a wide range of disorders in children and adults that affect movement including Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, ataxia, tremor, tics, and Huntington’s disease and other choreas.
Due to the complexity of movement disorders, our physicians work closely with other specialists throughout the Mount Sinai Health System. Our clinical care teams include nurse practitioners, genetic counselors, neuropsychiatrists, and neuropsychologists who work together to design and implement the right treatment plan for you. Mount Sinai Beth Israel is recognized as a Center of Excellence by the Parkinson’s Foundation.
Diagnosis of Movement Disorders
We diagnose adult and pediatric movement disorders by conducting a thorough evaluation that includes a physical exam, discussion of your symptoms, and a review of your medical history. We often record your movements so that we can review them as we develop a treatment plan. We also use imaging studies, blood work, and genetic testing to provide additional information.
Treatments for Movement Disorders
Because many diseases still await a cure, treatment of movement disorders usually concentrates on improving symptoms. We work with you and your family to develop a care plan, which may include:
- Medication
- Physical, occupational, and speech therapy
- Practical and emotional support for you and your family, including support groups
- Psychological and psychiatric counseling and evaluation
- Surgery, including deep brain stimulation
- Emerging treatments newly available through clinical trials
Because movement disorders are often chronic conditions, we carefully follow some of our patients for decades, developing a personal relationship to ensure you receive the very best ongoing care.