
Chest Wall Conditions

If your child has, or develops an abnormality in the sternum, ribs, or cartilage, it can cause the chest to stick out (pectus carinatum) or sink inward (pectus excavatum). Sometimes a brace or other non-invasive approach will help; other times, your child will need surgery to correct the condition. We use minimally invasive approaches whenever possible.

At Mount Sinai, our team of surgeons has joined forces to diagnose and manage chest wall conditions. Our doctors also work with world-class colleagues in pediatric and adult cardiology, pulmonology, genetics, orthopedic surgery, radiology, anesthesiology, and orthopedics. We also work with interventionists and physical therapists to provide the latest treatment methods and surgical innovations for the best possible result.

About Chest Wall Conditions

Children can experience a variety of chest wall conditions. The ones we see most often include:

  • Pectus excavatum
  • Pectus carinatum
  • Mixed pectus anomalies
  • Absent, fused or malformed ribs
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome / cervical rib
  • Abnormalities of the sternum and clavicle (breastbone and collar bone)
  • Chest wall anomalies with scoliosis
  • Thoracic insufficiency syndrome
  • Poland syndrome
  • Chest wall anomalies associated with Marfan syndrome and other connective tissue disorders
  • Jeune, Charcot-Levin and other chest wall growth syndromes and conditions
  • Associated breast asymmetry

Diagnosis and Treatment

We individualize diagnosis and treatment to get the best possible result for your child. In addition to the medical issues involved with chest wall conditions, your child might also experience psychosocial concerns. At Mount Sinai, we make sure to listen to you and your child so we can fully understand your hopes and goals for treatment – and achieve the best possible result for your child.

Research and Clinical Trials

At Mount Sinai, we conduct research to develop more effective treatments and explore ways to prevent or improve chest wall conditions. In fact, we have already developed specialized instrumentation for chest wall surgery, which improves the process and outcomes. Currently, we are using whole genome analysis to explore hereditary aspects to chest wall conditions. If you are interested in participating in research or supporting our efforts, call 212-844-8840 to learn more.