
Esophagus and Stomach Disorders

At Mount Sinai, we understand the daily challenges that disorders of the esophagus and stomach can cause, so we offer the newest available treatments and minimally invasive techniques for a range of conditions, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), achalasia, and others. Our highly skilled surgeons are committed to personalizing the right treatment plan for you, with the goal of getting you as close to normal function as possible.

GERD Treatments

Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) allows stomach acid to move upward into the esophagus, causing symptoms that could include heartburn, a dry cough, and difficulty swallowing. If lifestyle changes and medications aren’t effective enough, you may be a candidate for anti-reflux surgery performed by one of Mount Sinai’s highly experienced surgeons.

Achalasia Treatments

Achalasia occurs when the valve at the entrance to the stomach fails to relax, causing difficulty with swallowing, regurgitation, and chest pain. There are multiple surgical methods for treating this condition, and Mount Sinai’s renowned surgeons are experienced in the newest, laparoscopic approaches.