
Preparing For Your Child’s Surgery and Major Procedures

At Mount Sinai, we know how stressful a child’s procedure and hospital experience can be for the entire family. We have developed this Preparing for Your Child’s Procedure guide below to help ease your child’s fears and your own concerns. To help answer your questions, the guide below includes information about how to prepare for the procedure including what to bring to the hospital, eating and drinking guidelines, and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.

Our team of experts are here for you, and they will do everything they can to make the experience as comfortable and safe as possible. We assure you that your child is in great hands and our team will be by your side the whole way. 

Please note that the information below is a general guide and may not be appropriate depending on your child’s procedure. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s care team directly to ensure you are prepared for the day of your appointment. 

Pre-Procedure Preparation

Our medical team will call you the day before you are scheduled to inform you of what time to arrive (or on Friday for procedures scheduled on Monday). You must be at the hospital two hours prior to the time the procedure is scheduled to begin.

The Day of Your Child’s Procedure

On the day of your child's procedure, we want you to have the best possible experience. To help you on your way, please follow these instructions carefully.

After Your Child’s Procedure

Your child’s surgeon will come to see you in the designated waiting area when the procedure is completed. After that, your child will be brought from the operating room to the recovery room.