
Acute silicosis; Chronic silicosis; Accelerated silicosis; Progressive massive fibrosis; Conglomerate silicosis; Silicoproteinosis

Silicosis is a lung disease caused by breathing in (inhaling) silica dust.

Coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II

This chest x-ray shows coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II. There are diffuse, small (2 to 4 mm each), light areas throughout both lungs. In the right upper lung (seen on the left side of the picture), there is a light area (measuring approximately 2 cm by 4 cm) with poorly defined borders, representing coalescence (merging together) of previously distinct light areas. Diseases which may explain these x-ray findings include simple coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP) - stage II, silico-tuberculosis, disseminated tuberculosis, metastatic lung cancer, and other diffuse infiltrative pulmonary diseases.

Coal workers pneumoconiosis, complicated

This picture shows complicated coal workers pneumoconiosis. There are diffuse, massive light areas that run together in the upper and middle parts of both lungs. These are superimposed on a background of small and poorly distinguishable light areas that are diffuse and located in both lungs. Diseases which may explain these x-ray findings include, but are not limited to complicated coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP), silico-tuberculosis, and metastatic lung cancer.

Respiratory system

Air is breathed in through the nasal passageways, travels through the trachea and bronchi to the lungs.

Coal worker's lungs - chest x-ray

This chest x-ray shows coal worker's lungs. There are diffuse, small, light areas on both sides (1 to 3 mm) in all parts of the lungs. Diseases that may result in an x-ray like this include simple coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP) - stage I, simple silicosis, miliary tuberculosis, histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma), and other diffuse infiltrate pulmonary diseases.

Coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II

This chest x-ray shows stage II coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP). There are diffuse, small light areas on both sides of the lungs. Other diseases that may explain these x-ray findings include simple silicosis, disseminated tuberculosis, metastatic lung cancer, and other diffuse, infiltrative pulmonary diseases.

Coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II

This chest x-ray shows coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II. There are diffuse, small (2 to 4 mm each), light areas throughout both lungs. In the right upper lung (seen on the left side of the picture), there is a light area (measuring approximately 2 cm by 4 cm) with poorly defined borders, representing coalescence (merging together) of previously distinct light areas. Diseases which may explain these x-ray findings include simple coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP) - stage II, silico-tuberculosis, disseminated tuberculosis, metastatic lung cancer, and other diffuse infiltrative pulmonary diseases.

Coal workers pneumoconiosis, complicated

This picture shows complicated coal workers pneumoconiosis. There are diffuse, massive light areas that run together in the upper and middle parts of both lungs. These are superimposed on a background of small and poorly distinguishable light areas that are diffuse and located in both lungs. Diseases which may explain these x-ray findings include, but are not limited to complicated coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP), silico-tuberculosis, and metastatic lung cancer.

Respiratory system

Air is breathed in through the nasal passageways, travels through the trachea and bronchi to the lungs.

Coal worker's lungs - chest x-ray

This chest x-ray shows coal worker's lungs. There are diffuse, small, light areas on both sides (1 to 3 mm) in all parts of the lungs. Diseases that may result in an x-ray like this include simple coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP) - stage I, simple silicosis, miliary tuberculosis, histiocytosis X (eosinophilic granuloma), and other diffuse infiltrate pulmonary diseases.

Coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II

This chest x-ray shows stage II coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP). There are diffuse, small light areas on both sides of the lungs. Other diseases that may explain these x-ray findings include simple silicosis, disseminated tuberculosis, metastatic lung cancer, and other diffuse, infiltrative pulmonary diseases.

Coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II

This chest x-ray shows coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II. There are diffuse, small (2 to 4 mm each), light areas throughout both lungs. In the right upper lung (seen on the left side of the picture), there is a light area (measuring approximately 2 cm by 4 cm) with poorly defined borders, representing coalescence (merging together) of previously distinct light areas. Diseases which may explain these x-ray findings include simple coal workers pneumoconiosis (CWP) - stage II, silico-tuberculosis, disseminated tuberculosis, metastatic lung cancer, and other diffuse infiltrative pulmonary diseases.



Exams and Tests


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Outlook (Prognosis)

Possible Complications

When to Contact a Medical Professional
