Waardenburg syndrome

Klein-Waardenburg syndrome; Waardenburg-Shah syndrome

Waardenburg syndrome is a group of conditions passed down through families. The syndrome involves deafness and pale skin, hair, and eye color.

Broad nasal bridge

Broad nasal bridge, or widening of the base of the nose, is a relative term. It can be a normal facial feature, but it can also be associated with certain congenital disorders such as basal cell nevus syndrome, or trisomy 8, a chromosome defect.

Sense of hearing

Sound waves travel from the external ear to the middle ear, pass through the eardrum and enter the inner ear where they are interpreted and communicate with neural structures.

Broad nasal bridge

Broad nasal bridge, or widening of the base of the nose, is a relative term. It can be a normal facial feature, but it can also be associated with certain congenital disorders such as basal cell nevus syndrome, or trisomy 8, a chromosome defect.

Sense of hearing

Sound waves travel from the external ear to the middle ear, pass through the eardrum and enter the inner ear where they are interpreted and communicate with neural structures.

Broad nasal bridge

Broad nasal bridge, or widening of the base of the nose, is a relative term. It can be a normal facial feature, but it can also be associated with certain congenital disorders such as basal cell nevus syndrome, or trisomy 8, a chromosome defect.

Sense of hearing

Sound waves travel from the external ear to the middle ear, pass through the eardrum and enter the inner ear where they are interpreted and communicate with neural structures.



Exams and Tests


Outlook (Prognosis)

Possible Complications

When to Contact a Medical Professional