Well-child visits

Childhood is a time of rapid growth and change. Children have more well-child visits when they are younger. This is because development is faster during these years.

Each visit includes a complete physical exam. At this exam, the health care provider will check the child's growth and development in order to find or prevent problems.

The provider will record your child's height, weight, and other important information. Hearing, vision, and other screening tests will be part of some visits. So will immunizations.

Even if your child is healthy, well-child visits are a good time to focus on your child's wellness. Talking about ways to improve care and prevent problems helps keep your child healthy.

Well baby visits

The typical well-baby visit will provide information about normal development, diet, general care, immunizations, the latest infectious diseases that are going around, and other important advice and information for parents. Special attention is paid to whether the infant has met the normal developmental milestones. The height, weight and head circumference is recorded on a graph, which the physician keeps with the infant's chart.
