Breast Cancer Treatment Options
We perform several outpatient treatment procedures right here in our comfortable Chelsea setting. If we determine that you need a hospital stay, we will refer you to one of the hospitals within the Mount Sinai Health System for treatment by our highly trained and experienced breast surgeons.
As in many breast cancer cases our surgeons may be able to treat you by performing an outpatient treatment procedure right here, such as:
- Lumpectomy is a surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in the breast. During this procedure, we may also perform tissue transfer to correct any un-evenness between your breasts that might result from removing tissue from only one breast.
- Seed implantation provides radiation therapy internally. We take a radiation source contained in a small holder (called an implant, seed, or rod) and place it inside your body close to the tumor. Having the radiation inside you enables us to administer a higher dose of radiation in a much smaller area than we can do with traditional external radiation. We can insert and remove the radiation implants here in our surgical suite.
- Sentinel node biopsies are done after a diagnosis of cancer. This procedure allows us to determine whether cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. We make a small incision to remove the sentinel node for pathology testing. If we do find cancer, we may also remove additional lymph nodes, either during this procedure or during a follow-up.
- Infusion therapy includes chemotherapy and takes place in the comfort of our medical infusion therapy suite where you receive personalized care.
Following the tests and procedures related, we perform to diagnose and treat your breast cancer, we continue to monitor your condition and take care of you at the Blavatnik Family Chelsea Medical Center at Mount Sinai.