Music Therapy Resources

We offer a wide variety of music therapy resources at the Louis Armstrong Department of Music Therapy. These music therapy resources are available from various organizations including:

International Association for Music and Medicine (IAMM) is a registered non-profit organization formed in 2009 to encourage and support the use of music in medical contexts including research into the benefits of music, and its specialized applications in healthcare. The IAMM welcomes music therapists, doctors, nurses, musicians and allied medical professionals.

'Music and Medicine' is an international peer reviewed journal which hosts clinical trials, theoretical papers and case studies relevant to music and medicine.

The American Music Therapy Association

The mission of the American Music Therapy Association is to advance public awareness of the benefits of music therapy and increase access to quality music therapy services in a rapidly changing world. Find out more about music therapy on

APA Online PsycINFO

The PsycINFO database contains abstracts of psychological literature and research studies, including music therapy and music medicine literature, from the 1800s to the present. Gain access and read more about PsycINFO.

Australian Journal of Music Therapy

This is the website of the Australian Music Therapy Association, with links to their peer-reviewed journals.

British Journal of Music Therapy

This Journal begun in 1987 by a group of music therapists from the Association of Professional Music Therapists (APMT) and British Society for Music Therapy. The new Journal, which is produced jointly by the APMT and BSMT, contains articles written by music therapists on clinical work, theoretical issues and research and is published twice yearly. It is the policy of the BJMT to include a wide range of articles, reflecting the broad spectrum of ideas and approaches to music therapy in this country, as well as in other countries worldwide.

CINAHL Information

CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) provides databases and information services covering nursing and allied health literature.

The Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation is the official site of the Louis Armstrong House & Archives. The mission of the Louis Armstrong House & Archives is to preserve and promote the cultural legacy of Louis Armstrong. This includes making the materials in the archives available to everyone, serving as a reference source for researchers, presenting concerts and educational programs about his life, and operating his home as a historic house museum. Major funding for the Louis Armstrong House & Archives is provided by the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation.

Music Therapy World

Music Therapy World includes a newsletter, database of articles, downloads, discussion board and information on the World Federation of Music Therapy and European Music Therapy Confederation.

New York Public Library: Video Gallery Cataloging Data: Phoebe Jacobs

Phoebe Jacobs, currently vice-president of the Louis Armstrong Educational Foundation and continues to promote the appreciation of jazz music.

New York State Education Department's Office of the Professions

This Website contains the laws, rules and regulations on being a licensed creative arts therapist in the State of New York. Creative arts therapy includes music therapists, art therapists, dance therapists, drama therapists and poetry therapists. Find out about licensing requirements.

Nordic Journal of Music Therapy

The Nordic Journal of Music Therapy (ISSN 0809-8131) is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year. It covers music therapy in the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and the Baltic Countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and it has subscribers and authors from all over the world. The Journal Includes Philosophical Articles, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Articles, a Series of Classical Articles, Texts from Practice, Dialogues, Reviews, and Overviews of New Texts in the field of music therapy. 

Songs of Love

Songs of Love foundation is a nonprofit organization that collaborates with artists to produce free original songs for hospitalized children and teens. Each song is an intimate musical portrait tailored for each child.

Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy 

Voices is a nonprofit organization intended to support music therapy practice around the world to encourage and nurture discussion, collaboration and development of music therapy practice internationally. Read articles, moderated discussions and access research resources about clinical music therapy around the globe.