Sport-Specific Exercise Assessment in the Metabolic Chamber: Physiolab staff monitor progress as you exercise at selected intensities for 1 hour during data collection

Total Energy Expenditure (TEE): The 24-Hour Metabolic Chamber is commercially available to assess energy expenditure during rest, sleeping, exercise, eating, and performing activities of daily life over a single day

Lifestyle Counseling: An in-depth review of nutrition and exercise habits and prescriptions with a Registered Dietitian/Exercise Physiologist
Assessment Services Overview
The Mount Sinai Physiolab offers tailored packages that include body composition, metabolic, nutrition, and fitness assessments. Based on your goals and priorities, we can put together a custom program that includes the assessments that best meet your needs.
Body Composition Assessment
BodPod: Body Composition Assessment
Body composition analyses tell us what makes up your body, from the muscle tissue, bone and fluid, to fat mass and organs. Your unique body composition offers insight into your overall health, including disease risk, physical function, and athletic performance. This simple test will generate results that tell you your body-fat percentage and amount of fat-free mass, which we pair with other measures to help determine your body-fat distribution and risk of chronic disease.
30-minute assessment and post-test report
*A series of body composition tests can be a powerful tool to understand the impact of your lifestyle changes on your proportion of fat mass to fat-free mass.
Metabolic Assessments
Resting Metabolic Rate: Resting Energy Expenditure and Metabolic Assessment
One of our signature tests, the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) assessment, measures your body’s resting rate of oxygen consumption. This allows us to determine the number of calories that your body burns over the course of the day to conduct its normal function, without accounting for any additional movement and activity. In this test, we examine three key data points: your resting metabolic rate, your resting energy expenditure, and your respiratory exchange rate.
Through these pieces of data, we can determine how your metabolism compares to the general population, the exact calories that you are burning at rest in a day, and what type of fuel your body uses while resting (stored fat or stored carbohydrates). Whether your goal is to lose, gain, or maintain your weight, this information is extremely valuable for designing and personalizing a weight management program.
One-Hour Assessment and Post-Test Counseling Session
FatMax Protocol: Substrate Utilization Assessment
The FatMax protocol is a multi-stage, graded exercise test that measures your ability to burn fat at different exercise intensities. This allows us to determine the ideal exercise prescription for you to achieve your goals, whether they be increasing athletic performance or improving body composition. With this test, we capture a wide-range of data points as you bike through a series of increasing intensities, including heart rate, oxygen consumption, rate of fat and carbohydrate burning, and total calorie burn at each intensity.
With this data, we can offer targeted insights on your personal exercise goals. We will pinpoint the exercise intensity at which you are burning fat at the highest rate (your FatMax) and the exercise intensity at which you are burning a significant amount of fat and overall calories (your Fat-Calorie Max). These exercise intensities can then be used to develop a strategic exercise prescription that helps you achieve your weight management goals.
One-Hour Assessment and Post-Test Counseling Session
Biweekly Check-Ins with Registered Dietitian/Exercise Physiologist throughout lifestyle program period
Sport-Specific Testing: Exercise Energy Expenditure and Metabolic Assessment
This hands-on, customizable protocol is designed to answer your most-pressing questions on fueling you for and through your favorite sport. Prior to the session, we will have a discussion on your current routine and your upcoming goals. Based on this information, we will create a completely individualized exercise protocol, designed to answer your questions on fueling for peak performance. With the data gathered from the protocol, we will provide you with both an exercise protocol and the nutrition guidelines that are most appropriate for your performance goals.
Custom exercise protocol and pre- and post-test counseling session
Biweekly check-ins with Registered Dietitian/Exercise Physiologist throughout lifestyle program period
24-Hour Metabolic Chamber: Total Energy Expenditure
The metabolic chamber represents the gold standard in metabolic measurements, allowing us to capture energy use in a “free-living” environment. By recording minute-by-minute energy expenditure and breathing rate over the course of a 24-hour period, we can understand your individualized caloric burn during rest, sleeping, exercise, eating, and performing the activities of daily life, and how that compares to population norms.
The 24-hour schedule will be planned in partnership with you, to mimic your day-to-day life as closely as possible and help you achieve your goals. For instance, if you hope to understand the best kind of workout for you, we can include a yoga workout, high-intensity interval workout and a low-intensity endurance workout, allowing us to determine which exercise routine optimizes calorie burn and fuel utilization.
Using this data, we provide insights on the ideal way to achieve your personal goals and equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to make strategic lifestyle changes—or just better understand the mechanisms that fuel your body.
24-Hour Assessment and Counseling Session
Biweekly check-ins with Registered Dietitian/Exercise Physiologist throughout lifestyle program period
Fitness Assessments
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Assessment
The gold standard measure of cardiorespiratory fitness, VO2 max measures the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood to deliver oxygen to your muscles, and the ability of your muscles to use that oxygen during exercise. This information offers insight into overall health status and chronic disease risk, as well as your degree of cardiorespiratory fitness compared to the general population. Through this standardized protocol conducted on a stationary bicycle, data will be collected that allows us to evaluate your overall cardiovascular fitness level and exercise performance, which will then be used to prescribe an individualized exercise program designed for your goals and for optimal health.
Based on individual needs, we also offer submaximal testing, which uses established prediction equations to estimate VO2 max based on submaximal work rates. It uses measurements of heart rate, blood pressure, rating of perceived exertion, and other objective and subjective indices to predict cardiorespiratory response to exercise, and what that means for health status and chronic disease risk. Submaximal testing is appropriate for individuals who cannot perform maximal exercise due to health limitations.
- One-hour assessment and post-test counseling session
Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling
The data garnered from your tests is just one way to get a jump-start on your goals. Our team of registered dietitians and certified exercise physiologists is available to help you take the next step, with strategic, individualized diet and exercise analyses and prescriptions. With a mix of data-driven recommendations and one-on-one counseling sessions, we will work with you to implement a personalized wellness program that ensures long-lasting changes.