"New Initiative Aims to 'Lock Up Lung Cancer'" - Katie Kosko
Lung cancer diagnoses have become increasingly more common among women in the United States. However, only 18 percent of those cases are diagnosed early, when the disease is most curable, according to statistics from American Lung Association’s LUNG FORCE initiative. The advocacy organization wants to change disease outcomes by putting lung cancer on women’s radar. Lock Up Lung Cancer is a new campaign to expose the disease as a prolific killer, according to LUNG FORCE. Jorge Gomez, MD, a lung oncologist at the Mount Sinai Hospital, discussed the new initiative, common symptoms and the future of lung cancer treatment.
— Jorge E. Gomez, MD, Assistant Professor, Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Lung Oncologist, The Mount Sinai Hospital