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"Tips, Tricks For Beating Back The Cold & Flu Blues" - Max Gomez

  • CBS New York
  • New York, NY
  • (January 02, 2018)

Doctors say cold and flu season is in full swing, and that's leaving a lot of folks feeling pretty lousy. But there are some things you can do to feel better, and some you probably should avoid. There's no cure for the common cold and the flu only responds to antiviral medications if they're taken in the first 48 hours of symptoms. Peter Shearer, MD, assistant professor of emergency medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and medical director of the emergency department at The Mount Sinai Hospital said they're seeing a recent uptick in cases. "Both upper respiratory infections and influenza, and data says flu season is definitely ramping up into full force," Dr. Shearer said. He added that tea with some honey is a decent home remedy for a cough and sore throat. Other symptoms can usually be handled at the drugstore, but it's important to read those medicine labels carefully. "OTC medications can handle almost all the symptoms, whether it's a cough or a cold or influenza. A lot of meds are mixtures, combos of three or four meds. I steer people away from those into what exactly they need." In children and the elderly, Dr. Shearer said it's important to watch out for confusion or altered mental status, which could be a sign of something more than just a viral infection which would require a trip to the emergency room.

 - Peter Shearer, MD, Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Medical Director, Emergency Department, The Mount Sinai Hospital

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