"Wendy Williams Reveals Health Struggle" — Eva Pilgrim
Talk show host, Wendy Williams announced that she’s taking time off to deal with Graves’ disease. Williams will step away to deal with hypothyroidism and Graves’ disease. “Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes an over production of thyroid hormone. I have had patients with Graves’ disease who report fainting prior to being diagnosed,” said Barrie Weinstein, MD, assistant professor of medicine, endocrinology, diabetes and bone disease at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Symptoms include fatigue, difficulty sleeping, irritability, weight loss, and bulging eyes. “Some patients come in having had symptoms for many months and are really feeling unwell and exhausted. Having them take a break from work is often a very smart idea to help them recover.” Dr. Weinstein added.
- Barrie Weinstein, MD, Assistant Professor, Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Bone Disease, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Researchers Identify Potential Target for Treatment Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
Aug 04, 2022 View All Press Releases