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"Premature Babies At Higher Diabetes Risk" - Nicholas Bakalar

  • Becker's Hospital Review
  • (December 05, 2019)

Digital innovation demands more than funding and a shiny piece of technology. From sparking a new idea, to developing a blueprint, introducing the technology to clinicians and then bringing it to patients, the entire transformation process requires dedication and a passion for healthcare. Ashish Atreja, MD, MPH, chief innovation officer at the Mount Sinai Health System is among those dedicated to innovation and patient care. He said, "Innovation comes from all over the place. Many people say it starts with the CEO, but that's not the case at all. Innovation comes from all areas of the business. But there needs to an organized process to filter down the ideas from highest priority and most valuable to lower priority ideas.”

Ashish Atreja, MD, Associate Professor, Medicine, Gastroenterology, Pathology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Chief Innovation Officer, Mount Sinai Health System

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