
Mount Sinai Health System specialists are expert at diagnosing and treating sarcoidosis, among, only 10 sarcoidosis centers of excellence in the country. Mount Sinai is the only health system in New York City to offer the Kveim-Siltzbach skin test, a noninvasive diagnostic test for sarcoidosis that our specialists are skilled in administering and interpreting. Our physicians are also experienced in administering immunomodulatory medication therapies as alternatives to prednisone. Our specialists evaluate patients for definitive treatments, such as organ transplantation.
Since 1948 when Louis Siltzbach, MD established a sarcoidosis program at Mount Sinai, our service has grown to become the largest in the world, with more than 18,000 patients enrolled to date. Each month nearly 150 new patients register at Mount Sinai to receive care for sarcoidosis.
With thousands of sarcoidosis patients visiting Mount Sinai, we strive to reverse the disease’s progression, manage symptoms, and provide the tools needed to best cope with the disorder depending on the type and severity of each individual case. Through unique diagnostic tests, advanced treatments, and a multidisciplinary approach, we give our patients the resources, support, and care they need to achieve the best possible quality of life. Since our Sarcoidosis Program doctors see a uniquely high volume of patients with the most complex cases, we have developed a rare level of experience and skill in diagnosing and treating the most challenging forms of this disease.
Sarcoidosis is a multi-organ disease, therefore we offer expertise in all aspects of the condition with the help of multidisciplinary teams that include cardiologists, dermatologists, neurologists, nephrologists, pathologists, ophthalmologists, and other specialists who work together to provide the most comprehensive care possible. Every sarcoidosis case is different; therefore, our physicians personalize the most effective treatment plan for each patient.
The Mount Sinai sarcoidosis program specializes in treating patients with complex cases of sarcoidosis that cause persistent symptoms. Our physicians will recommend an individualized treatment plan based on where the disease is manifesting and its severity. Most of all, we work with you to determine the treatment plan that is best for you—from a simple evaluation to track the status of your condition to medications to help control your symptoms. While prednisone is the most effective medication for the treatment of sarcoidosis, it may have debilitating side effects when used on a long-term basis. Our physicians are skilled in using a growing number of alternatives, including immunomodulatory medications as well as prescription drops and creams that can be used if the eyes and skin are involved.
In rare cases when the disease is at its most severe, organ transplantation is recommended. We work closely with the liver and heart transplant surgeons and can evaluate each patient’s potential need for lung transplantation.
Our doctors are dedicated to your ongoing care, maintaining follow-up exam schedules to track the status of the disease and the effectiveness of treatments. At least 50 percent of patients with sarcoidosis experience remission without any treatment, and 25 percent will experience remission with treatment. The remaining 25 percent will have chronic sarcoidosis, which our doctors specialize in treating these chronic cases.
Support Group
Since 1994, Mount Sinai has been hosting an active, patient-run support group, assisted by the expert medical staff of the sarcoidosis program. The group's purpose is to provide support and information to fellow sarcoidosis patients, family members, and caregivers. Regular meetings allow patients to voice their concerns, share experiences, learn about new diagnoses and therapies, and meet the multidisciplinary staff of pulmonologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, radiologists, and other specialists who participate in their care.
Our free sarcoidosis support group seeks to:
- Remove the mystery about the disease by discussing reliable medical updates and explaining how the disease behaves
- Provide information about special services for sarcoidosis patients
- Raise public awareness about this little-known disease
- Increase interest in sarcoidosis research, leading to easier diagnosis, better treatments, and ultimately, a cure
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