Diabetes and kidney disease

Diabetic nephropathy; Nephropathy - diabetic; Diabetic glomerulosclerosis; Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease

Kidney disease or kidney damage often occurs over time in people with diabetes. This type of kidney disease is called diabetic nephropathy.

Male urinary system

The urinary system is made up of the kidneys, ureters, urethra and bladder.

Pancreas and kidneys

Uncontrolled diabetes causes damage to many tissues of the body including the kidneys. Kidney damage caused by diabetes most often involves thickening and hardening of the internal kidney structures. Strict blood glucose control may delay the progression of kidney disease in type 1 and type 2 diabetics.

Diabetic nephropathy

During diabetic nephropathy the kidney becomes damaged and more protein than normal collects in the urine. As the disease progresses, more of the kidney is destroyed. Over time, the kidneys ability to function starts to decline, which may eventually lead to chronic kidney failure.



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