Hemophilia B

Christmas disease; Factor IX hemophilia; Bleeding disorder - hemophilia B

Hemophilia B is a hereditary bleeding disorder caused by a lack of blood clotting factor IX. Without enough factor IX, the blood cannot clot properly to control bleeding.

X-linked recessive genetic defects - how boys are affected

There are several X-linked (or sex-linked) recessive genetic disorders, (hemophilia, muscular dystrophy) which are inherited through a genetic defect on an X chromosome. A female has 2 X chromosomes, one she inherited from her mother and one she got from her father. A male has an X chromosome from his mother and a Y chromosome from his father. Since male offspring receive their X chromosome from their mothers, the inheritance of a defect attached to that one copy of the X will cause the disorder.

X-linked recessive genetic defects - how girls are affected

There are several X-linked (or sex-linked) recessive genetic disorders, (hemophilia, muscular dystrophy) which are inherited through a genetic defect on an X chromosome. A female has 2 X chromosomes, one she inherited from her mother and one she got from her father. A male has an X chromosome from his mother and a Y chromosome from his father. Females may get the defective gene either from her mother's defective X, or, if her father has the disorder, from her father. In either case, the girl will be a carrier and will probably pass the defect to her offspring. She will not manifest the disorder the way a boy would, because she has 2 X chromosomes, and the dominant X will compensate for the defect on the recessive X. Only if a female has 2 parents with the defect on their X chromosomes will she get a milder form of the disorder.

X-linked recessive genetic defects

There are several X-linked (or sex-linked) recessive genetic disorders, (hemophilia, muscular dystrophy) which are inherited through a genetic defect on an X chromosome. A female has 2 X chromosomes, one she inherited from her mother and one she got from her father. A male has an X chromosome from his mother and a Y chromosome from his father. If a woman has the defect on one of her X chromosomes, and the father's X chromosome is normal, there is a 25% chance for each pregnancy to produce an unaffected girl; a girl who carries the defect; an unaffected boy; or a boy with the disorder.

Blood cells

Blood is comprised of red blood cells, platelets, and various white blood cells.

Blood clots

Blood clots (fibrin clots) are the clumps that result when blood coagulates.



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When to Contact a Medical Professional
