Research Groups
Our preclinical, translational, and clinical scientists perform research to learn more about addictive disorders. Our research findings help us develop our patient services. In this way, we improve the lives of people with addictive disorders.
- Bachi Laboratory
- Psychosocial neuroimmune addiction
- CBD Research Program
- Understanding the effects of CBD on the brain, and clinical trials of CBD formulations as a pharmacological treatment for opioid use disorder
- Clark Neuropsychology Laboratory
- Neuropsychological assessments and magnetic resonance imaging measures of brain structure and function
- Devi Laboratory
- Neuropeptides and their receptors, opiate receptor signal transduction, and narcotic addiction
- Goate Laboratory
- Genetics of neuropsychiatric disease
- Gu Laboratory
- Computational Psychiatry Unit
- Han Laboratory
- Molecular neuropsychopharmacology
- Hurd Laboratory
- Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology
- Kenny Laboratory
- Behavioral and molecular neuroscience
- Maze Laboratory
- Chromatin regulatory mechanisms of neural plasticity and disease
- NARC Research Program
- Neuropsychoimaging of Addiction and Related Conditions Research Program
- Nestler Laboratory
- Molecular psychiatry
- Parvaz Laboratory
- Motivational and Affective Psychopathology
- Russo Laboratory
- Neural and Immune mechanisms of psychiatric illness
- Schaefer Laboratory
- Brain epigenetics
- Slesinger Laboratory
- Membrane excitability and disease
- Tracy Laboratory
- Psychosocial Processes in Addiction
- Zachariou Laboratory
- Cellular neuropharmacology