PSON team participates in community health fair

Community resident having her blood pressure checked
Student Engagement
Students at the Phillips School of Nursing have the opportunity to take part in services and training programs that enrich their educational experience.
Some of the ways that our students have the opportunity to engage with each other and the community include:
- Student Government Activities: All students are members; officers are elected from each program and faculty members serve as Student Organization advisors. Students have input into policies of the School through their student representatives. Students are asked to volunteer for designated Faculty Organization committees. The Student Organization also plans social activities and organizes subcommittees for special projects, such as health drives, fundraising events, and holiday socials. All ABSN students are encouraged to become members of the National Student Nurses Organization (NSNA).
- Social Justice Taskforce: In June 2020, the students, along with faculty, administration and staff, established a Social Justice Taskforce. The purpose of the Taskforce is to provide a unified stance of solidarity and take part in helping to resolve disparate outcomes, reverse unequal trends, and aim for meaningful and lasting change. The Taskforce is charged with organizing initiatives, activities, and suggestions for donations.
We encourage and support students who wish to develop programs, ideas, and concepts that inspire them.