Message from the Dean
I am honored to serve as the 5th Dean of the Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing, following in the paths of notable leaders in nursing in New York. As we celebrate 120 years of nursing excellence at PSON, I am excited by the bright future for our profession as we shape healthcare in our communities, across New York City, and around the world.
Our East Harlem location offers wonderful opportunities to serve the public in many ways-through community service in our high school mentoring program, where PSON students engage the next generation of nurses, through scholarship in our PSON Evidence-Based Fellows Program, where students develop research projects with experienced faculty mentors, and through community health education, where students work directly in New York City’s diverse neighborhoods through their clinical placements.
This year, in order to best serve the needs of our student body, we have introduced a Spring cohort as an addition to our Fall and Summer enrollments. I am eager to meet with our newest students and follow their educational journey, as well as watch the achievements of our newest graduates as they carry on the tradition of excellence demonstrated by our accomplished alumni.
Kimberly Glassman, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL, FAAN
Dean, Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing