PSON Alumni Association
Greetings to all Alumni and Friends~
This is an exciting time for the Mount Sinai Phillips School of Nursing. As we commemorate our 120th anniversary in 2024, we welcome Kimberly Glassman, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL, FAAN, as our new Dean. Dean Glassman has a robust background in both nursing education and nursing administration; she is well-poised to take the school to the next level. We are also honored to welcome our newest alumni, who graduated in September and December 2023.
This is a perfect time for us to reach out to all alumni and foster connections with our students and recent graduates. We are fortunate to have so many alumni who have advanced the nursing profession and continue to share their knowledge and expertise with our students and fellow alumni. If you would be willing to mentor to new nurse, participate in panel discussions with students, or share a story about your career path or a professional achievement with our alumni through the newsletter and the school’s website, please contact the Alumni Board at PSONAA@mountsinai.org. At the same time, we hope our younger alumni will share their journeys and unique skill sets with our seasoned Alumni.
The Alumni Association is overseen by a Board of Directors. The Board meets several times each year to plan the year’s activities and to manage business. Among the initiatives carried out annually by the Association are:
- Scholarship support for outstanding active alumni enrolled in BSN, MSN, and doctoral programs
- Annual alumni awards program at the Fall Luncheon
- Annual graduation awards at PSON
- Financial support for continuing education programs
- Sponsorship of educational programs offering Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- Informal networking events to keep in touch with former classmates and friends
- Support for class reunions at the Fall Luncheon
- Financial support for nursing service when alumni are ill
We always welcome alumni who wish to join our Board or one of our committees, so we encourage you to reach out if you would like to be involved.
If you are considering joining us or wish to renew your membership in the Alumni Association, please complete the online Alumni membership application.
With warm regards,
Patricia McKenna RN, BSN
Class of 1989
President, PSON Alumni Association
2023 Alumni Association Board of Directors
- Patricia McKenna, President
- Alisa Gadon, Vice President
- Rose Otero, Immediate Past President
- Virginia Klunder, Treasurer
- Edwina Thompson, Assistant Treasurer
- Rita Williams, Recording Secretary
- Rochelle Bokow Bronson
- Danielle Brown
- Miriam Fridman
- Mary Anne Gallagher
- Bernice Rosario
- Audrey Schmerzler