Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trials

Our program has a solid foundation of experience and patient care excellence with clinical trials. Through clinical trials, we can provide access to novel, life-saving treatment approaches that incorporate vaccines and new agents that are often not available outside the clinical trial setting.
We offer patients emerging, promising therapies and new drugs with the goal of improving outcomes. We maximize opportunities for cutting-edge care through Mount Sinai-initiated clinical trials, as well as collaborative multi-center trials and partnerships with pharmaceutical companies and institutions like the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. This is especially important for patients who have exhausted more standard treatments.
Having access to a broad portfolio of clinical trials enables us to provide a full array of options for the best care available today. Every clinical trial has specific eligibility criteria. Depending on the stage of your disease, exposure to prior therapies, and overall health, you may be eligible to participate in a clinical trial. Your doctor will determine whether you are a candidate for a clinical trial and are likely to benefit from it.
Our treatment approach emphasizes the translation of scientific discovery to clinical applications. Clinical trials let us test new treatments in a safe, structured manner and collect data that enables statistically valid analysis. They are instrumental in advancing approval of new drugs and therapies that are beneficial to patients. Our clinical trials research program has played a pivotal role in the approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of many new drugs, including Carfilzomib, Pomalidomide, Elotuzumab, Daratumumab, Ixazomib, and Selinexor. We would not have been able to achieve this progress without patient participation in clinical trials.
Many questions remain about the causes of myeloma and related diseases, mechanisms of resistance to therapies, and personalization of treatment. Clinical trials can help answer these questions. We are also exploring development of new options for patients who have exhausted currently available therapies.
If you are eligible for a trial, we will talk with you about the “Informed Consent” form, which describes the study and its potential benefits and safety concerns. You will have time to review this document, and we will answer any questions you may have as you decide if you want to participate.
Some of our clinical trials are only open to patients at Mount Sinai. With our large patient volume, these “investigator-initiated” trials can enroll enough patients for statistically valid data. We also conduct studies together with pharmaceutical companies that are developing new drugs based on our findings as well as discoveries from other laboratories.
In some cases, clinical trials are conducted at multiple centers. This approach enables more patients to participate and helps us more quickly gather the statistical results necessary to gain FDA approval of new drugs.
Clinical Trials Open to Patient Enrollment
You can search here for clinical trials for multiple myeloma.
Under Disease Site / Cancer Type, select Multiple Myeloma from the drop-down menu.
You can also search for a clinical trial for a specific multiple myeloma-related condition (for example, smoldering myeloma or monoclonal gammopathy or refractory myeloma or relapsed myeloma) by entering the condition in the box that says SEARCH BY KEYWORD, TREATMENT NAME, ETC.
For additional information about cancer clinical trials, visit the National Cancer Institute website.