Hearing Aid Technology

Current hearing aid technology offers numerous options in terms of budget, style, fit, and even color. At NYEE’s Hearing Aid Dispensary, patients have the opportunity to get a device that fits their unique lifestyle and needs with the help of our experienced audiologists. The dispensary offers each patient a 45-day trial period with a new hearing instrument, and will help patients with any adjustments to maximize the effectiveness of the new amplification system.

Wireless Hearing Aids

Modern hearing aid technology helps patients experience better connections to people, information, and entertainment. By using wireless connectivity you can get more out of your hearing instruments with greater ease and comfort, including:

  • Connection to mobile phone, tablet, computer, music player, or other Bluetooth-enabled devices, as well as TV and landline phones
  • iPhone and smartphone compatibility

Other optional hearing aid features that may improve your ability to hear in specific situations include:

  • Connection to multiple devices
  • Noise reduction
  • Personalized listening experience
  • Remote controls  
  • Rechargability
  • Wireless streaming
  • Apps to adjust your hearing aids