Special Programs and Centers

The Hall Family Center for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes provides a variety of special treatment programs to meet your child’s needs. All of our endocrinology programs use a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together specialists from across The Mount Sinai Hospital who collaborate to offer an individualized treatment plan for your child.

  • DiabetesThe Diabetes Team offers educational programs for patients and parents throughout the year. Programming includes diabetes pattern management, technology nights, and a diabetes college preparatory course.  We coordinate care among school, home, and our diabetes team and provide psychological counseling for patients and families. Our diabetes nurse educator, nutritionist, and social worker are all available for frequent visits, and we are a site for Trial Net, which ensures access to the very latest in clinical care. We offer educational programming such as an annual college prep course, carbohydrate counting, insulin pump education nights, and a day camp.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Clinic. This is a weight management program for children and teens with obesity.  We offer coordinated care amongst pediatric subspecialties to care for obesity-related health complications.
  • Adrenoleukodystrophy Multidisciplinary Clinic. We use a team approach to treat this rare and complex inherited disorder that combines the insights of a pediatric endocrinologist, neurologist, geneticist, and genetic counselor with support from social work, nutrition, and physical therapy.
  • Comprehensive Children’s Growth Center. We evaluate and treat growth disorders including growth hormone deficiency, small for gestational age, Turner syndrome, and many other hormonal and genetic disorders leading to growth delay/failure. Our state-of-the-art stimulation testing center offers child-friendly entertainment during testing. We also offer genetic testing, psychosocial support, and a nutritionist for assessment and management recommendations.
  • Thyroid Disorders. We are a designated site for the New York State Newborn Screening Program for thyroid disease. Our pathway from notification of an abnormal newborn screen result to diagnosis ensures early thyroid hormone replacement to avoid complications of hypothyroidism.
  • Comprehensive Sexual Development CenterOur clinic has a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and care into adulthood. We offer genetic testing, psychosocial support, and a nurse educator for management of home medications.
  • Pediatric Bone Health Clinic. We provide comprehensive care to infants, children, and adolescents with metabolic bone disorders. We offer advanced imaging procedures, genetic testing, and specialized therapies in our infusion center.